‘Away from Convention’ Sophie Levi & James Tweedie

New landscape paintings in a two-person exhibition
Thompson’s Gallery, Marble Arch  24th March – 8th April 2017 
Levi Tweedie Press Flyer for RDSnew3 Seymour Place, London, W1H 5AZ 
It is very close to Marble Arch – please note it is the inaugural exhibition in their new space, they are moving from Marylebone.  
My paintings in the show are mostly London waterscapes of The Thames at Hammersmith &  Eel Pie Island, Twickenham (as seen on flyer here), St. James Park lake, Little Venice, Regent’s Park etc
I’m showing a variety of different size and shape paintings from 115cm diameter to 50cm.  
Hope you can come!
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